Master Class workshop

Delegates may be from Banking institutions, insurance companies, financial institutions, micro finance institutions, small banks, cooperative banks, rural banks, export-import institutions and others. Typical delegates may hold the positions as Internal Auditors, Risk Officers, Audit Committee Members, Finance Officers, credit officers and Fraud investigators.
Recognizing the need for better appreciation of ‘risks’ in banks and financial institutions and their integration in the internal audit annual plans, this master class workshop has been designed to address the related understanding and its implementation gaps with a view to empower them and contribute to the oversight governance of the institution they represent. The underlying theme is ‘strategic internal audit’ using concepts of risks relevant to banking institutions. The workshop has been curated to meet the current thinking of the stakeholders who expect their internal audit function to add value and increase the shareholders’ worth of their investment. The two-day workshop will focus on the internal audit governance that encourages the internal audit to be strategic in its work, the audit managers to be exposed to the current best practices in the risk identification, analysis, prioritization and response and be able to practice with confidence what they have learned. This workshop also aims to expose the executives to the realm of bank frauds and typical fraud prone areas. The case studies intend to throw light on past cases, internalize lessons learned and prepare them to identify most likely typical bank frauds. Case studies will be drawn from CBI, judicial pronouncements and CVC. The workshop will provide tools and techniques to equip those connected with oversight regime to be profession oriented, proactive, reliable and objective.
The workshop sessions will be in sync with the themes below, which are carefully organized to elicit enthusiasm of the participants to learn and contribute to the group and to the profession. Broadly speaking, following topics will be covered supplemented by practical demos: 1.Audit Governance – policies, processes, and structures 2.Risk Management – identification, measurement, and prioritization of risks 3.Annual Risk based internal Audit (RBIA) for banking/financial institutions 4.Case studies on typical bank frauds with emphasis on identifying breaches, recognizing modus operandi and curtailing the system deficiencies. Case studies may be selected based on the audience registered for the workshop
You may contact us for resolving any practical difficulty in registering for the event or about the event.
Mob: +91-96507498 two five
Off: +91-124 419 2641